Friday, June 7, 2013

League Builds

stapledfinger: xenitaph: I just got fisted in the ass by...



I just got fisted in the ass by Behkuh, what did you do today?

She made your ping go off the roof Xenitaph. 

Gotta farm my lane guys I can't come help. *gets 11 CS in...

Gotta farm my lane guys I can't come help.

*gets 11 CS in this entire 2:30 video*

Bronze level map awareness.

Bronze level map awareness.

summonerscode: Exhibit 182 Miss Fortune [07:12]: report thresh...


Exhibit 182

Miss Fortune [07:12]: report thresh no support
Thresh [07:25]: click the lantern noob
Miss Fortune [07:42]: dont report thresh

(Thanks to cyanogene for the quote!)

So I decayed to Silver V at some point. It's really hard...

So I decayed to Silver V at some point. It's really hard down here.

conductorofthepooptrain: leaguebuilds: izzylikesgames: goodguy...







Team Siren streams as compared to Hotshotgg, Scarra, and Nathanielbee's streams

I'm pretty sure the whole point of watching a stream is to see how good you are not miss the entire fucking game because you're cam is taking up half the stream

it's about the game and how you play it not about how many people think you're hot

it's not a fucking popularity competition.


wait thats how they stream every game? i thought that was just their overlay inbetween games… no words

I was looking at their steams briefly earlier and they weren't set up like that.

They only stream like that between games it looks like. I just went to look at them and they all look like standard stream format.

Hey here's a thought how about we fucking let people play if they wanna play. It's an all-girl team but that's ENTIRELY irrelevant to ANYTHING. If they suck, let them suck. How many fuckin' PRO teams that make MILLIONS OF DOLLARS suck? Who cares how they stream? If you don't like it, don't watch it. Also if you're going to speculate shit like this get your facts straight since it's been CONFIRMED that this is an overlay only used between games. Stop getting mad about shit that doesn't matter and attacking these women just because they're women. This is the EXACT FUCKING REASON there are no women in pro e-sports.

Conductor of the poop train is angry that we're fixated on them being an all girl team when it's irrelevant. Maybe they shouldn't advertise so heavily on something that's irrelevant then. Because that's what the community is taking issue with. This is made up by somebody looking to farm some notes on their post but I'd say 80% of the stuff headed their way is legitimate.

izzylikesgames: goodguykasai: turtlepatternpillowcase: chairka...





Team Siren streams as compared to Hotshotgg, Scarra, and Nathanielbee's streams

I'm pretty sure the whole point of watching a stream is to see how good you are not miss the entire fucking game because you're cam is taking up half the stream

it's about the game and how you play it not about how many people think you're hot

it's not a fucking popularity competition.


wait thats how they stream every game? i thought that was just their overlay inbetween games… no words

I was looking at their steams briefly earlier and they weren't set up like that.

They only stream like that between games it looks like. I just went to look at them and they all look like standard stream format.

Played a game with my gf a few nights ago. It was her first time...

Played a game with my gf a few nights ago. It was her first time playing MF. I think Lux was their bot lane carry and Ez was the support.

xoxtashaa: nasworstjungle: navithefairy: leaguebuilds: Seriou...





Serious Girl Gamers

By Dunkey


hahahaha this team is a joke. don't get attention because you are girls ,get attention by being good and happen to be girls.


this video focuses on what they're out to prove, and look at all the hate they're getting for it. They're just saying girls can do it too and look at all the asshats mocking them for saying that.

They can say girls can do it to but it's counter productive when in reality they can't do it. They've apparently lost ranked premade 5v5s to teams that are gold. They aren't going to win any tournaments basing their entire team on gender instead of skill and how they interact with each other. They will get lots of stream viewers and ad revenue though.

Step 1: Hype

Step 2: Stream

Step 3: ?

Step 4: Profit

I don't get it. You spend that many wards on baron and we...

I don't get it. You spend that many wards on baron and we still can't be sure that they don't have it warded inside the pit.

That moment when your team does baron even though you say not to

also that moment when you know they have baron pink warded.

also that moment where your Kha’zix has a pink in his inventory but refuses to drop it so that we can at least kill their vision before attempting baron with all 5 of them on the other side of the wall.

also that moment when your Kha’zix has less gold than your support at the end of the game.

These moments brought to you by solo queue.

Serious Girl Gamers By Dunkey

Serious Girl Gamers

By Dunkey

nawt-so-lovely: I AM A SIREN #BaitedAndOutsmarted




2pcom: A guy called Paulius made a board game for League of...


A guy called Paulius made a board game for League of Legends

Oh my fucking god I need it.

That link just goes to info about the game League of Legends in general.Here is the forum post.

"Let me explain more about how we see this game working.

As I said in the first post, we tried to make something unique and not only fun to play a couple of times, but something that might actually help League of Legends players to improve their game.

Originally Posted by Clunch
Only thing i bother is that you by the looks of it can't do anything sneaky like suddenly be on the other side without the enemy knowing it.

We have decided to take out Fog of War because we thought it might be too Battleships alike and would be too long to play. Since we made it turn-based and all the players have full vision of whats going on around the map, everyone has enough time to think about their next move and react to enemy players movement. We believe that such feature makes this board game more competitive and will help players to improve their tactical awareness and teamplay skills.
Also, when you are playing LoL, you don't have the chance to slap your teammate when he is feeding, or worse, he screws up the game… But here you do

Now, more about combat system. 
For example, Ashe is attacking Voli. Since Ashe is ranged and Voli is not, this would normally make ranged champions OP if, let's say Voli has already had his turn before Ashe and is just standing there on the map waiting for his next one. We have fixed this by using dices, which allowed us to stabilize the game play and add a possibility of a miss. F.e., Voli is out of moves and Ashe is attacking him from range with a skill shot, both players roll dices to determine if Ashe's attack will succeed and hit the target, or it will miss and will allow Voli to make a little move backwards to back off the fight or move a little forward to counter-attack Ashe next turn. 

I hope this makes it more clear about how this game works"

Paulius Pabre

text-post-police: "Team Siren, Sponsored by Tampax. When will YOU get your first blood?"


"Team Siren, Sponsored by Tampax. When will YOU get your first blood?"

what server are you on?

North America

Quadra kill!

I wish Urgot worked this well in game modes other than ARAM.

kirrys: a quinn comic for a friend. couldn't resist making baby...


a quinn comic for a friend. couldn't resist making baby valor fat. i <3 fat birds.

nbeeezy: nothing can top this guys' style points what a god i'm...


nothing can top this guys' style points

what a god

i'm in awe

i don't know what to say

i need to quit

Haven't been all that active recently.

Worked every day since the Saturday before last. Work today too but I have some time between shifts. Also doing stuff for apartment trying to get furniture and figure everything out.

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